كبير كيميائيي الاشعاع

تاريخ العرض

الإثنين, 09 سبتمبر 2024, 6 ربيع الأول 1446


صالح لغاية


الأربعاء, 25 سبتمبر 2024, 22 ربيع الأول 1446








إنتاج الصيدلانيات المشعة


Effective supervision and team management in performing all aspects of Radiopharmaceuticals Production for bulk manufacturing of radioactivities meticulously with high professional conduct to be used in Radiopharmaceuticals.

Essential Responsibilities and Duties

1. Ensuresthe goals and objectives of the Section’s activities in coordination with other staff of the Cyclotron, Radiopharmacy ,QualityControl and achieves high quality products.

2. Manages the compliance to the regulatory requirements;promotes compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) guidelines with ultimate aim tomanufacture radiopharmaceuticals of highest quality; advises staff on GoodManufacturing Practices (GMP) non-compliant issues.
3.Followsprotocols, which defines bulk radioisotopes manufacturing in enough quantityrequired and works with section’s team for continuous improvements.
4.Ensuresthe process targets of all usual isotopes after bombardment in cyclotron andderive radioactive bulk of high radiochemical quality.
5.Ensuresthe recovery of all enriched cold isotopes, which came from spent targets. Keeptrack of inventory for the enriched isotopes required in the production and usethem without wastage.
6.Operatesrelated equipment and performs calibration, validation as well as the routinemaintenance of his Section’s equipment. Maintain the facility in fullyfunctional status through coordination with Utilities and Maintenance of theHospital.
7.Maintainsclose contact with the Radiopharmaceuticals Production assigned supervisor toensure smooth flow of activities and high quality products.
8. Followsday-to-day operations in a professional way, solves problems, analyses drifts,trends and develops corrective actions. Assists in troubleshooting and improvements.
9.Reviewsand updates Standard Operating Procedures and other documents; maintains all logbooksfor production.
10.Understandsand adheres to the radiation protection regulations: ensures compliance withhighest level of radiation safety according to ALARA (As Low as ReasonablyAchievable) principle of radiation protection.


PhD, Master's or Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy,Biology, Chemistry, Nuclear Medicine Technology, or other related discipline isrequired.

Experience Required

Six (6) years of related experience with PhD,eight (8) years with Master’s, or ten (10) years with Bachelor’s Degree isrequired.

Other Requirements(Certificates)
