Patient Discharge


In order to help us satisfy the needs of all patients coming from all over the Kingdom, whose health conditions require hospitalization in KFSH&RC, we request you to cooperate with the healthcare team during your treatment and to adhere to the following instructions upon discharge home:

  • The medical team will prepare a special plan according to your health condition at the time of hospitalization.
  • You will be briefed continuously about the prepared treatment plan by the healthcare team, who will also answer your concerns and inquiries.
  • The healthcare team will inform you and/or the care partner regarding any requirements related to the treatment before discharge.
  • The discharge coordinator will complete all procedures and address all issues that you may face during receiving the required care.
  • Your doctor will order all the required medications and the nurse will provide you with the instructions regarding the usage and preservation.
  • You will also be provided with the next follow-up appointment.
  • Medical reports, sick leaves, and hospitalization proof must be requested on the first day of hospitalization.
  • The care partner may request for a proof of his/her companionship during hospitalization.
  • You must carry the appointment slip (in paper or AlTakhassusi App) and any medications prescribed during the follow-up appointment or hospitalization.
  • You will be discharged home from the hospital on the date determined by your doctor before 12:00 am.
  • The care partner/ sitter must be present on the day of discharge.
  • Patients and care partners must collect valuable personal belongings, if any, from the admission office between 7:30 am and 5:00 pm from Sunday to Wednesday and before 4:00 pm on Thursday.