To provide the best quality and service in Diagnostic and therapeutic NM and PET/CT procedures while maintaining the highest standards in radiation protection and patient safety
To be the leading Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography services in the region.
Scope of Service:
PET/CT and NM sections provide a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic services in the fields of Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT.
PET/CT is a diagnostic medical imaging modality which uses harmless Radioactive Pharmaceuticals to diagnose and follow-up many diseases and illnesses.
The Radioactive Pharmaceuticals administered to the patients are mostly harmless and have no registered side-effects. However, Radioactive Pharmaceuticals have serious impact on pregnancy.
Exam Duration: PET/CT patients are expected to be in the department for approximately 120 minutes. Only 30 minutes for imaging time.
Preparations: Most patients who have PET/CT are expected to be fasting for 6 hours prior to the procedure.
-High-blood glucose-level
-Diabetes medications
-Additional instructions – if needed- are provided at time of booking
Do not hesitate to contact us :
ext: 19559